You might be going about it the wrong way!

Let "The Club" be your GUIDE to help you finally start making REAL money.

Why do new wellness advocates quit?

We find that most leaders push to find customers to buy essential oils and products. Then they push their customers to become sellers. This feels uncomfortable and generates small monthly checks known as “hobby income” and, eventually, they quit. We can show you a better way to build a team.


The MLM Mastery Club shows you how to build a stable, predictable doTERRA business so you can spend your valuable time on things you really want to do. We save you time and energy because we give you the essence of how to attract the right type of people to your team who want what you do: Predictable, long term, passive income.

Join the MLM Mastery Club and learn from doTerra Diamonds and other doTERRA Wellness Advocates who are doing the work to achieve massive success in their lives. Make a few changes to your business so you can start living a more fulfilling life!

A message from Ron:

If you have been building your doTERRA business for months, years, or heaven forbid even a decade without the success you were “promised” when you started, maybe it is time you considered doing it a different way. (Remember that old definition of insanity?)

Discover, in under 3 minutes, more about me and why I created MLM Mastery Club.

Hi, I'm Ron Wilder, doTERRA Diamond and MLM Mastery Club Creator

I’ve personally tried a bunch of network marketing businesses in the past but didn’t have success until I decided to build it a different way with doTERRA. 

It was May of 2011. I was in financial trouble and needed to make something… NO, ANYTHING, work. That’s when doTERRA appeared on my radar. I knew I HAD to be successful with doTERRA

Unfortunately, I didn’t have a personal “network” before I started and I wasn’t a social creature. (I’m an engineer, after all.) 

So, I studied and studied. Then, one day while I was digging into the compensation plan, it hit me: I would NEVER make the kind of money I needed just selling essential oils and products. (To this day, my wife tells people, “Ron cracked the code on the comp plan“).

The reality was there were hugely successful Diamonds and above but they all pushed “sharing the oils” just like all of the other companies I had tried in the past. 

The reality for me was…

I Hated Selling Stuff!

The good news is that I discovered something else in the comp plan: The real big money wouldn’t show up until I created a network of team members who also wanted to build a business, not just sell oils. And I also realized that all I had to do was find other people who wanted what I wanted. 

What I learned was…

It's about people... not products, if you want the BIG bonuses!

It made ALL the difference in my business. In fact, with this new approach, my wife and I hit Silver in just over a month and then Diamond 18 months later!  All without a previously existing network of ready-to-buy prospects and mostly without trying to sell oils. (Shhh!)

In fact, I wrote a book titled Beyond the Oils (Fundamental Secrets to Building a Sustainable Essential Oil Business) to help Wellness Advocates focus on team building rather than just selling oils.

And, I created a mobile app to help Wellness Advocates more easily connect and follow up with their prospects and communicate with their team.

So, you can see that I'm dedicated to helping Wellness Advocates succeed!

If you are in doTerra and want to GET AHEAD THIS YEAR then it’s time to shift your mindset and the words you use with prospects and team members to build your business.

Many Diamonds KNOW THIS but don’t teach it because they think it is easier to just show people how to sell products than build a team.

On top of that, the company pushes you to, wait for it… Share the Oils. And why wouldn’t they? They produce oils.

It’s time for you to learn a better way.

It’s time for you to check out The MLM Mastery Club!

Thanks for listening and read on!

Our Mission

We empower Wellness Advocates to succeed in their doTERRA businesses through shared knowledge, skills, and tools. Our supportive communities offer expert guidance and encouragement as we journey together towards success.

MLM Mastery Club Sneak Peek

Business Training Courses and Tools

Wellness Advocate Business Training

DoTERRA isn’t like any other Network Marketing Company! That’s why we have specialized courses and tools custom designed to help you build your doTERRA business.

60 Days to Silver shows you how to go silver quickly

AromaTouch Prospecting helps you leverage the oils to create that WOW experience in prospects

How to stay happy building your business (in spite of the craziness sometimes)

How to compete against Amazon because you need to be able to respond when the Amazon is brought up

Understanding Social Styles helps you better connect with your prospects, team members and family

Planning your week helps you get organized setting and tracking your goals

Your Crucial Partner helps you work with your spouse to build your business more effectively

and more.

All courses are there for only one purpose: To help you build your doTERRA business faster and more effectively for long-term passive income. We even give you convenient links to some of the doTERRA courses too so you don’t have to hunt the company website for them.

Product Training Courses and Tools

doTERRA Product Training Helps You Build Faster

There is soooo much information about the products that it is simply OVERWHELMING!  It is very hard to find guided product training and testimonials that is reliably truthful and vetted. 

That’s why we also give you access to DoTERRA product info and guidance from others. 

Not only do we have product training, but also communities of fellow Wellness Advocates who will share their product wisdom and experiences with you.

Private DoTERRA Community Areas

Build Relationships with Other Wellness Advocates

DoTERRA Wellness Advocates value relationships a lot.  So, we have multiple private Communities where you can share ideas, experiences and even create accountability with other Wellness Advocates.

Private Community Areas are for all doTERRA members and some are just for courses members have enrolled in.

Private Member Messaging allows you to find other doTERRA members, follow them, and  send and receive messages with them, and even be notified by email when messages are received.

Discussion Topics gives you access to member-chosen topical discussions. Examples include: “Prospecting Tips”, “AromaTouch Prospecting”, “Compensation Plan Clarity”, and others so the information doesn’t get lost on the wall. Ever try to find a message on facebook? (You can even create your own topics for others to participate in.)

Product Testimonials is an area where members can discuss not only new products but also share product testimonials. (Try that on facebook!)

These communities are PRIVATE and are only for members of the club.

REDEEM POINTS FOR Courses and tools

Earn Activity Points by Participating in "The Club"

Building your network marketing business should be fun. If it isn’t, you’ll get bored.

That’s why we created a fun, club environment to learn, travel, and network with each other. 

As you participate in the club, you’ll earn activity points that you can cash in for quick courses, tools, and bonuses.

"The MLM Mastery Club Will help You shift your Mindset and language For business success"

What's Included

Join the MLM Mastery Club (doTERRA) Today and Get...

The MLM Mastery Club creates and produces its own courses that focus on helping you be successful as you grow your business. As you can see above, we have courses ranging from how to build more quickly to how to get along with others on your team. There are courses for everyone and new ones being added over time.

The MLM Mastery Club includes a special Facebook-like message boards that we call communities. They are designed to allow you to connect with other club members for both social and professional help. You can even be notified when others comment on topics you choose to follow. Use the wall to not only ask for advice, but also help others on their journeys too! And when you post, you’ll earn activity points you can redeem for courses and other things.

Since you are a doTERRA Wellness Advocate joining us for this Pre-Launch, you’ll also get access to other doTERRA members in the club. You can share experiences, guidance, tears and fears, success tips, laughs, and even meet them on destination learning travel events. This is the “club” side of things which translated is all about RELATIONSHIPS with other wellness advocates. Some may be on your team but many others won’t be — and that’s a good thing! I suspect this bonus will become your favorite.

As a doTERRA member, you can follow and even directly message other doTERRA members. Maybe you’re looking for some advice or even a connection for your travels. We definitely encourage member-to-member communications as long as you are not trying to prospect them for your team. And, of course, you can always choose to not accept the invitations if you don’t want to participate.

As a Team Leader member of the club, you’ll get access to our weekly “Planning Your Week” zoom calls to help you get crystal clear on the results you want to achieve this week, the activities that will help you get there, and other important tips to keep you on track. Each week, we’ll guide one volunteer through the process while everyone else on the call follows along filling in their form.

As a Team Leader or above member of the club, you’ll get access to our weekly office hour (Ask Me Anything) zoom calls to answer the questions you can’t ask your upline! We know there is a lot of “Kool Aid” from upline in your business which may cause you to limit the types of questions you ask them. You can feel confident that when you ask these questions on the Office Hour Calls, we will answer them without sugar coating the answers.

All members will receive free activity points (depending on your membership level) you can use to access the club-produced courses and services. So, you can get training from day one without reaching for your wallet. Or, you can hang on to them and build them up month by month to access products that cost more points.

The club is ALL ABOUT connecting you with other like-minded network marketers from AROUND THE WORLD! To help with this, we have created a custom World-Wide Member Map you can access to find other club members anywhere in the world. Not only can you find where they are, but you can access their name, bio, social media links they have shared, and their uploaded photo. Don’t worry, we blur everyone’s exact location on the map but you can set the level of fuzzyness. This is a cool feature for Team Leader members and above.

Since you are building a doTERRA BUSINESS, it only makes sense that we provide diamond-inspired and created tools to help you master YOUR doTERRA business in ways you have never thought about. You will learn things your upline doesn’t even know about.  (Maybe you can teach them! LOL) The knowledge, skills, and tools you’ll received will help you build a powerful team of network builders, not just customers and product sellers. There is a better way to build your business. Let us show you! This will probably be the most valuable bonus.

Limited OFFER Lifetime Membership BENEFITS

You can choose get a single, lifetime price when you order today. In the future, the club will only be available by subscription. This is your only opportunity to get the best deal possible and become a charter doTERRA member of the Club… FOR LIFE! See the lifetime options below. For less than two years of monthly payments, you can have lifetime access.

Every time we enhance the charter membership, you get the free upgrade…  For life — when you order today. 

30 Day


Your Pre-Launch MLM Mastery Club Purchase is a zero risk investment.  We’re confident it’s going to save you time and you’re going to love it. But, if for any reason you change your mind within 30 days of us sending you the password to your account, just let us know and we’ll happily send you your money back, no questions asked.


The Apprentice Membership is for Wellness Advocates who want to start making money with doTERRA (Elite)

The Team Leader Membership is for Wellness Advocates who have already started making money but want to leave their job and do it full time. (Silver)

The Freedom Builder Membership is for Wellness Advocates who are Silver or above and want to create financial freedom for themselves and family. (Diamond)

What Length of Membership is Best?

monthly membership gives you the lowest point of entry to sample how the MLM Mastery Club can help you build your business.

A yearly membership gives you a stable program with monthly savings for a full 12 months so you can plan out how you can build your business to the next level. You will also have more time to help and receive help from others inside the product and business building communities.

A lifetime membership gives you all of the benefits of membership without any additional membership fees forever. You can develop life-long relationships with other wellness advocates who are not even on your team within the product testimonial/info and business building communities.

Membership Comparison Chart

Member Benefits


New Distributor

Team Leader

Building to Silver

Freedom Builder

Building to Diamond

doTERRA Business Training

doTERRA Product Training

doTERRA Testimonial Chat Community

doTERRA Biz Support Community

Earn Points for Free Content

Free Membership Updates

Live "Planning Your Week" Zoom Calls

Live Team Leader Office Hour Zoom Calls

Access to Zoom Call Recordings

FREE 5-Day MLM Mastery Challenge

Worldwide Member Map Access (Bonus)

$300 off of 60 Days to Silver (Y/L)

Tips to Go Silver Training (Y/L)

Live Freedom Builder Office Hour Zoom Calls

Mastermind Group Coaching Calls

FREE Access to Workshops (Bonus)

1 FREE Personal Coaching Call (Y)

3 FREE Personal Coaching Calls (L)

FREE Simple Connector Access (Y/L)

FREE Legal Website Pages (Y/L)

1 FREE 60 Days to Silver Membership (L)

5 coupons $300 off of 60 Days to Silver (L)

4 (1 Year) Team Leader Memberships (L)

2 FREE (1 month) Apprentice Memberships (L)

Note: Y or L = Founder Bonuses for Yearly or Lifetime Members Only


Apprentice Member

Build Your Business to Elite
$ 9 Monthly
  • For New Wellness Advocates
  • doTERRA Business Training
  • doTERRA Product Training
  • Private doTERRA Business Community
  • Private doTERRA Product Community
  • Earn points to unlock more site content
  • Ability to upgrade

Team Leader Member

Build Your Business to Silver+
$ 20 Monthly
  • Perfect to Build to Silver and Beyond
  • doTERRA Business Training
  • doTERRA Product Training
  • Private doTERRA Business Community
  • Private doTERRA Product Community
  • LIVE Planning Your Week coaching calls
  • LIVE Team Leader Q&A coaching calls
  • Access to all prior Zoom call recordings
  • Discount to MLM Mastery Club workshops

Apprentice Member

Build Your Business to Elite
$ 97 Yearly
  • For New Wellness Advocates
  • Save $$$: Only $8 per month!
  • No monthly billing
  • Ability to upgrade
  • 12-month access to Business Community
  • 12-month access to Product Community
  • 12-month access to doTERRA biz training
  • 12-month use of doTERRA product training
  • 14 days Live Office Hour Zoom calls!
  • 30 days Live Planning Your Week calls!

Team Leader Member

Build Your Business to Silver+
$ 199 Yearly
  • Perfect to Build to Silver and Beyond
  • Save $$$: Only $16.58 per month!
  • Get 2 months FREE!
  • No monthly billing
  • 12-month access to Business Community
  • 12-month access to Product Community
  • 12-month access to doTERRA biz training
  • 12-month use of doTERRA product training
  • LIVE Team Leader Q&A coaching calls
  • LIVE Planning Your Week coaching calls
  • 12-month access to all prior Zoom recordings
  • "Tips To Go Silver Fast!" - Training

Freedom Builder Member

Build Your Business to Diamond+
$ 599 Yearly
  • Build to Diamond and Beyond
  • Only $50.00 per month!
  • No monthly billing
  • 12-month access to Business Community
  • 12-month access to Product Community
  • 12-month access to doTERRA biz training
  • 12-month use of doTERRA product training
  • LIVE Freedom Builder group coaching calls.
  • LIVE Planning Your Week coaching calls
  • 12-month access to all prior Zoom recordings
  • "Tips to Go Silver Fast!" - Training
  • FREE MLM Mastery Club Workshops
  • 1 FREE Personal Coaching Call
  • FREE access to Simple Connector
  • FREE Website Legal pages

Apprentice Member

Build Your Business to Elite
$ 197 Lifetime
  • For New Wellness Advocates
  • Lifetime access to Business Community
  • Lifetime access to Product Community
  • Lifetime access to doTERRA biz training
  • Lifetime access to doTERRA product training
  • 30 days Live Office Hour Zoom calls!
  • 60 days Live Planning Your Week calls!

Team Leader Member

Build Your Business to Silver+
$ 397 Lifetime
  • Perfect to Build to Silver and Beyond
  • Best Value! Pays for itself in under 2 years
  • Lifetime access to Business community!
  • Lifetime access to Product community
  • Lifetime access to doTERRA biz training
  • LIfetime access to doTERRA product training
  • All LIVE Planning Your Week coaching calls
  • All LIVE Team Leader Q&A coaching calls
  • Lifetime access to all prior Zoom recordings
  • "Tips to Go Silver Fast!"- Training

Freedom Builder Member

Build Your Business to Diamond+
$ 1497 Lifetime
  • Build to Diamond and Beyond
  • Best value! Pays for itself in under 2 years!
  • LIFETIME access to Business Community
  • LIFETIME access to Product Community
  • LIFETIME access to doTERRA biz training
  • LIFETIME access to doTERRA product training
  • All LIVE Freedom Builder Q&A coaching calls
  • All LIVE Planning Your Week coaching calls
  • Lifetime access to all prior Zoom recordings
  • Tips to Go Silver Fast!" - Training
  • FREE MLM Mastery Club Workshops
  • 3 FREE Personal Coaching Calls Yearly
  • FREE access to Simple Connector (CRM)
  • FREE Website Legal pages
  • 1 FREE membership to 60 Days to Silver
  • 10 $300 off coupons for 60 Days to Silver
  • 4 (1 year) Team Leadership Memberships
  • 2 FREE (1 month) Apprentice memberships

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can! Just let us know that you want to upgrade by sending an email to and we’ll guide you through the process.

You will only have to pay the difference between what you already paid and the upgraded price.

Note: Don’t wait too long because the current yearly and lifetime prices will increase as we add more content to the memberships.

Also, we probably won’t offer a lifetime option too much longer. We will announce any price changes via email. So make sure to whitelist email from

Yes, the MLM Mastery Club has specialty courses to help you hone in to areas where you need specific help.  

For example, we have a podcasting course to get your message out, a crucial partner course for couples who want to work together to build their business, an online marketing course to help you leverage the internet to find team members, 60 Days to Silver to help you accelerate your business growth, and many more!

Yes, but the good news is that if you buy the 60 Days to Silver course, we will include a Team Leader membership for 4 months!

Simple Connector is a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tool for network marketers.

Currently, it is in the final stages of testing and documentation.

Ron has designed this simple but powerful app to make follow-up with prospects quick, accurate, automatic, and PAINLESS!

Freedom builders will be the first to use this tool and then they can train their teams on how to use it to automate follow-up, quick website creation, task and contact management, etc.

This tool will save you time while you connect and, most importantly, follow up with your prospects. It is designed to help you to add interested people to your team.

Within the club, there are many types of training, including downloadable business PDFs, webinars, courses and more.

Some are product centered, and others are business centered to help you build your dōTERRA business.

Others are general as we invite experts to use our platform to teach network marketing courses which include topics like money management, how to get out of debt, generic MLM courses, how to become a podcaster, using social media to build your business and more.

Your club membership includes some of these courses, while others require an extra fee.

You earn points by participating in club activities.

We encourage participation and the more you are involved, the more you will get rewarded with points.

You can earn points for signing up, logging in, completing your profile, buying courses, and taking part in the various communities.

The Team Leader Office Hour calls are another type of group coaching.

This is your chance to ask Ron any business question you may have.

Take advantage of his years in dōTERRA leadership to help you grow your dōTERRA business.

Ron has been in the business of helping other Wellness Advocates build their businesses for years.

Whenever he has a Planning Your Week call or an Office Hour call, he records it.

Some things in dōTERRA have changed, but the basics of building your business has not. Dive into this past treasure trove of information to help you build your business today

This is an hour-long training where Ron gives a quick overview of some vital things to help you gain the rank of Silver.

Watch this training get some actionable tips to help you advance rank more quickly.

As the MLM Mastery Club adds new features and benefits, the price charged may be higher in the future but we won’t change the price you are paying for your chosen membership.

For those who buy the lifetime membership, you never have to worry about any price increases! We will grandfather you in at your current price for your chosen membership.

If you upgrade to a new membership level, we will charge you the rate at the time of the upgrade. We will give you notice before any price increases happen so you can take advantage of the prices before the increase.

Please send an e-mail to We will be happy to assist you.

Also, click the “How Can I Help” chat icon on the lower right side of this page. There are some nice resources there that you can download to learn more about how to build a successful dōTERRA business.

The Business Community is a Facebook-like forum where you can post business challenges, share wins, and ask pointed questions to get ideas on how to work your business even while you share your knowledge and encouragement with others.

This is a club and we love member participation.

We encourage people to help others no matter whose upline you may be associated with.

There is not a single right way to build your dōTERRA business. Try other people’s ideas, tweak your personal approach, and see how others are building their businesses.

You will learn and grow both personally and professionally.

We encourage brand new Wellness Advocates, as well as those who have achieved higher ranks, to teach and share with others informally to help them grow their businesses.

This is a Facebook-like community where Wellness Advocates can share product testimonials publicly with other Wellness Advocates.

The FDA forbids product sellers from sharing product testimonials, which can get Wellness Advocates in trouble with dōTERRA.

Since the MLM Mastery Club is not selling essential oils or essential oil products, this is the perfect “safe place” to share your experiences with the great products of dōTERRA freely.

This private sharing space is accessible only for Wellness Advocates who are also club members.

Share and learn how to use these special oils, their health benefits, diffuser blends, food recipes and more.

Post your experiences here without fear of backlash or censorship and learn about the fantastic products you are selling.

The 5-Day MLM challenge is a pre-recorded five-day webinar that teaches you how to shift your marketing mindset from selling products to signing up business builders.

Then, as a leader, you get to teach your people to do the same. This shift in mindset can significantly increase your monthly commission checks!

In the MLM Mastery Club you can “buy” this webinar with your earned participation points.

Just by signing up for one of the memberships, you will get enough points so you can take this course almost immediately.

Begin to think differently and act accordingly to increase your MLM profits.

The 5 days of the MLM challenge include:

  1. Overview of the challenge.
  2. Creating “WOW” conversations.
  3. Creating builders not buyers and sellers.
  4. Developing a duplicable team of business builders, not sellers.
  5. Recap and bonus lesson.

As you accumulate points, you can then use them to “buy” more club goodies.

We have “quick courses” which are sample courses so you can get a feel for both the instructor(s) and their topic of expertise while you learn new things.

The Worldwide map is a map showing the general geographic areas where other Wellness Advocates who are also club members live.

You can see who is in your general area, so you can make plans to connect with them in person either at home or on your travels.

Building a business takes both time and, even more importantly, an evolving plan.

During the Planning Your Week calls, Ron coaches a volunteer through their upcoming week, complete with all their normal responsibilities, to help them devise a plan for them to advance their business. 

For the volunteer, this is a personal coaching session. But for those who are listening, it is group coaching as you take what you hear and adapt it to your personal schedule and your prospects.

As you learn to plan your week on a Monday and work your plan throughout the week, you will see your business explode.

Team Builder Zoom calls are live Q&A sessions and cover topics that help you get to Silver. 

Guidance includes things like team motivation, Silver mindset, special tools to track and build your team, planning-your-week calls,  FDA/FTC compliance, etc.

You must have at least a Team Leader membership to participate. 

Freedom Builder Q&A Zoom calls are live and are for Wellness Advocates who have achieved Silver and are working for Diamond and above.

The topics of these calls are more focused on how to strategize network growth, motivating teams, learning, using special tools to communicate with team members, online presence, etc.

Only Freedom Builder members can participate in the Freedom Builder calls.

The staff of the MLM Mastery Club offers 1- and 2-day workshops.

Normally these workshops cost between $97 and $297 depending on the number of days the workshops involve.

These courses provide immersive, practical learning experiences to help you progress in your career and personal development, ultimately benefiting your business.

The workshops are included at no cost for Freedom Builder members. Team Leader members get discounted access to the workshops.

Ron offers personal coaching calls to help you strategize how to make the most of your current business and advance in rank.

With network marketing, there is strategy involved.

Learn how to place the people on your team to maximize the advantages for both of you.

When you talk with Ron, he will be straight with you, since he has no hidden agenda to maximize his business.

He will help you strategize to help you, so you can build YOUR business, which may not be the same as your upline does to maximize their business.

If you don’t need to strategize, but have other business challenges, you can ask him for his help in those areas.

These are one-on-one personal Zoom call meetings.

Many times, a Wellness Advocate who has successfully built a team desires their own website and an online presence.

Legal pages are vitally important to keep you and your business “safe” while online.

Ron will give you the required legal pages and will also help you install them onto your site. You will have much better legal protection.

Only members of the Freedom Builder level have access to website legal pages.

©2024 – RW Intellectual Property, LLC licensed to e-Tech Design Associates, LLC — All rights reserved, worldwide.
