SBD-2 Success By Design – Listening


This lesson covers the topic of Listening.

Lesson 2: A Sponsors responsibility

Recap lesson 1, experiences with different listening styles. What have you heard, how did you feel, how did the other person feel, what have you observed about yourself?

First, find out what people are committed to, what we are going to build, what you are going to create. Know what you are building and then come back to 4 questions.

What’s your mission, vision, what are you doing?

Shift from MLM company to your company. I have marketing rights. Shift focus to you, you automatically become product authority. By what your vision is, who are you being.

Compensation plan is not a business plan or marketing plan.

Com plan is what company structure figures out that they can pay out so much of profit while still making a profit. It’s not a plan to get you where you want to be.

Figure out what you’re building first, not the goal that motivates, it’s what the goal provides you with. How much money do you need to achieve this?

Use comp plan to get goal

Company is there to be used, take what the company got and create like an artist

It’s how you understand and apply comp plan to what you are doing and building

People don’t work for goals

Money is measurable, it’s not money what motivates people, it’s what money provides that gets people in action, choices that money provides

Distinction wanting and being commitment to

Wanters are fine, it’s the getters that are broken

Wanting is not what makes the universe move. People want a lot of things.

We don’t always get what we want, but we always get what we’re committed to and we’re always committed to something.

Commitment doesn’t always have evidence, not based on the past, no proof

Commitment in anthropological terms is an existential act of courage, a stand. What commitment does it need to win the gold medal?

People are responsible for own success

Create plan, be commitment, make it measurable – you can’t fail


Goal, 12 months

Rewards, short term, long term

30 days



Responsibilities of a sponsor are:

NOT: Success of others

NOT: Motivations of others

Motivation needs to be self-sourced, find commitment and create a plan how to get it. How do I keep my people motivated? You don’t, you can’t, not your job. Better find out what are commitments, plan project for productivity not motivation.

Responsibility to: Provide

  1. Example of what success in the business “looks like.” I.e.: How product is sold; How people are enrolled and how to listen for others’ concerns and commitments, how product works.
  2. Direction: Providing coaching in “where do I go”, “what do I do” and “how do I do it.”
  3. Support:

1) A responsible sponsor is pro-active in communication,

2) A responsible sponsor makes and keeps commitments and agreements and creates structure and pathways. Productivity is not connected to time, it’s connected to action.

3) A responsible sponsor co-creates a “project” that supports action

4) Listens

Sales without resistance

Different conversation

How do I motivate people? – Find out what they’re committed to.

Trying to get someone to do something – provide choice (enrollment)

Business out of who you are being, have rapport, trust, relationship

I’ve joined often backfires. See your relationship is with company, independence is very important. It’s your company. No marketing in MLM, call it ML sharing< finding people. There is often no marketing. You are responsible for your own success. It’s not outside of us. If people depend on you to motivate them, there’s nothing there if you go away.

Missing: responsibility for own success

Join: not company but you

Prospects can be found anywhere, when you know what you are looking for.

Knowing people is not a criteria, getting to know people is an absolute criteria..

Categories/ Conditions of satisfaction for prospect are:

  • Open minded
  • Good with people, interested in people
  • Have courage, guts, explore new things, courage wanting something more than you have, wanting to grow


Lesson #2 Notes (PDF document)